Urvashi Butalia comes to see Dagh Dagh Ujala

Urvashi Butalia
Urvashi Butalia (in the middle in black dress) with the cast at the set of Dagh Dagh Ujala

Urvashi Butalia, the author of The Other Side of Silence, was also here to attend Islamabad Literature Festival. When she heard about the play, she rescheduled her engagements, and came to see the play on the night of 25th April. She was all praises, and expressed her wish that Theatre Wallay could perform it in India. She assured TW that she would discuss it with the relevant institutions/organizations, and see if there is any possibility to invite TW to India.

It is pertinent to mention here that Urvashi’s family migrated from Montgomery (currently Sahiwal district in Punjab, Pakistan) to India at the time of Partition. She had also collected stories of women survivors of Partition. A theater group in India developed a play based on the stories she had collected. The stories were published with the title ‘The Other Side of Silence” in 1998.

